Thursday, August 6, 2009

Minor rant

I try to be positive, but I have to get a couple of gripes off my chest.

I'm really tired of walking into a store, and having somebody yell "Hi! Howya doing today?" the second I set foot inside the door. Usually I'm fumbling to get my clip-on sunglasses off & safely into my purse without dropping or scratching them, and on more than one occasion I've jumped when I'm startled by overeager store clerks. They don't make me want to shop and spend in their stores -- in fact, quite the opposite. I feel like telling them what I tell our overenthusiastic puppy -- dial it down a notch.

And why is it when people give out a web address, they insist on pronouncing "/" as "backslash"? / is a regular slash, or forward slash. \ is a backslash, and is not used in web addresses. Get it straight, people!


DMC Friend said...

////Hi! Howya doing today?\\\\
Fobac Slasher

jes me said...

Dial it down, enthusiastic puppy!

Cleat said...

"X" does that mean it is going both ways??

jes me said...

Actually "V"